Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Spiralling Axis of abundance!
So Everything’s going your way, and you are flowing thru life like a dream. You have tapped the neutral centre or your Genie in a Bottle and she is granting every wish. Snap your fingers and it seems life answers every little call or desire whenever you need it. When you’re in the flow its aether’s ocean you’re swimming in. Every neutral centre in your quantum field has aligned to channel whatever you please. A direct current straight from everywhere to you !
AETHER TEMPERATURES ARE UP ! Absolute Zero Temperature: is a gateway between physical matter and anti-matter. Negative Kelvin Degrees increases in temperature within the negative universe. Negative temperatures are not colder than Absolute Zero but hotter than infinite temperatures. Bruce Cathie: “The Pulse of the Universe, HARMONIC 288”… . .. .
Pictured is the Double Helix in the Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy! Our Central Genie ! The gateway between matter and anti-matter. The Milky Way's Galactic Portal.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
side and top view of torus of light waves or energy lines
The Torus is our common denominator in the world of energy. The human form is enveloped in an aura the shape of a torus. So is our planet, galaxies and even atoms.
A torus is easy to picture if you think of a slinky and join the two ends together to form a donut.
Energy or light waves radiate from the centre of the donut, along the energetic meridian lines of the Torus, over the top of the donut and moving back into the donut hole underneath, then moving out from the centre again… repeating the cycle over and over.
A torus is the self organizing way consciousness is designed. Vibrations and light waves exploding and imploding continually turning inside out in perfect recursion symmetry
Temporal Torus: A harmonic torus resembling any spherical dipolar magnetic field
- but pictured differently, if you think of a fat 3D infinity loop.
- The 2 way energy running like a ribbon in an infinite figure 8 spiral laid side by side so as the cycle never is exactly the same.
Toroidal: pertaining to torus . Temporal: pertaining to time
Speed is greater in the middle
Edges of what?? A torus.
the energetic lines fold back in on themselves,
there is an implosion created from the explosion, because gravity is greater at the edges.
Radiance is echoed
Creating Reverse harmonics? Reverse time waves
In the neutral centre, every moment is a seed. Each seed, once reset and recharged, grows upon emanation, weaving with the rest of the world. It is a treasure that will return. At the neutral centre, where the moment is at rest, you have the opportunity to reset and upgrade your treasure!
Once recharged into the atmosphere, it can only grow with the harmonics of affinity. So you might not recognize your own treasure upon its return, except through its very vibration .
All creation is a result of the worlds turning, thus a recharged atmosphere equals greater returns!
Check out Bruce cathies reciprocal harmonics
Sit in a lotus position,with a straight back, eyes closed and allow yourself to be aware of the breath.
Breathing in, draw your breath and awareness from the base chakra up through the sushumna passage to the crown chakra. On the out breath allow your breath and awareness to wind down around the sushumna and through each of the chakras.
With each breath, focus on becoming harmonic with your wellspring, the axis of your being.. With each breath you become more and more harmonic with health, wealth and happiness. Anywhere that the energy seems blocked or not harmonic, just linger a little until the you feel that you are again harmonic with health, wealth and happiness.
Practice this breath 108 times.
The Neutral Centre is where all energy RESTS, RESETS & RECHARGES
The Neutral Centre is the crossover point in a 2 way flow of a figure 8. It is the crossover point or X Factor where all energy is Neutral, at REST . In its Neutral state, energy becomes the Aether itself - neutral, omnipresent, omniscient.
The Neutral Centre is The X factor - the point where energy is also RESET.
The X factor is called the Bloch Wall in magnetic theory. This is where the spin is reversed. It is an infinitely small neutral point between a 2 way flow. If drawing a figure 8 shaped magnetic field lines between the north and south poles of a magnet, the point of intersection of the magnetic field is know as the Bloch Wall named after the physicist Felix Bloch . Here energy polarizes from negative to positive in its toroidal loop
The Neutral Centre, The X Factor, is also the Crossover where all Energy RECHARGES.
Exitng the Neutral Centre energy is recharged and polarised
The neutral centre , the Xover is THE point of miracles and magic !
Release the dam busters! Open Deep Time Links!
Open the quantum slipstream.
And sail the open portals, steering the unfolding dimensions of time,
Navigate the vortex, Free of bonds,
Propelled by winds of connection, Aether borne!
Glide into ports of call, wellsprings of treasure. Time link with far flung Eons.
This is Ours! The Universal Well of Eternal Consciousness.